Lavoie, M., Risk, D., Rainham, D. (2024). Sociodemographic and Population Exposure to Upstream Oil and Gas Operations in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Here.
Khaleghi, A., MacKay, K., Darlington, A., James, LA., Risk, D. (2024).Methane emission rate estimates of offshore oil platforms in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Elementa. Here.
Khaleghi, A., MacKay, K., Darlington, A., James, LA., Risk, D. (2024).Methane emission rate estimates of offshore oil platforms in Newfoundland and Labrador. Dataset. Here.
Long, M., Withey, P., Risk, D., Lantz, V., Sharma, C. (2024). Economic impacts of reducing methane emissions in British Columbia’s oil and natural gas sectors: taxes vs technology standards. Resource and Energy Economics. Here.
Wesley, D, Dallimore, S., MacLeod, R., Sach, T., Risk, D. (2023). Characterization of atmospheric methane release in the outer MacKenzie River Delta from biogenic and thermogenic sources. The Cryosphere. Here.
Johnson, MF., Lavoie, M., MacKay, K., Long, M., Risk, D. (2023). Assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of methane regulations in British Columbia, Canada. Climate Policy. Here.
Vogt, J., Risk, D., Bourlon, E., Azetsu-Scott, K., Edinger, EN, Sherwood, O. (2023). Sea–air methane flux estimates derived from marine surface observations and instantaneous atmospheric measurements in the northern Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay. Biogeosciences. Here.
Khaleghi, A. (2022). Mobile Greenhouse Gas Emission Surveys from Canadian Landfills. Dataset. Here.
Vogt, J., Laforest, J., Argento, M., Kennedy, S., Bourlon, E., Lavoie, M., Risk, D. (2022). Active and inactive oil and gas sites contribute to methane emissions in western Saskatchewan, Canada. Elementa. Here.
Lavoie, M., MacKay, K., Sterling, J., Risk, D. (2022). Methane inventories, but not regulatory submissions, show major variations in methane intensity for Canadian oil and gas producers. Cleaner Environmental Systems. Here.
Argento, M., Henderson, F., Lewis, R., Mallyon, D.A., Risk, D., Nickerson, N. (2022). Soil surface flux measurements are a reliable means for assessing fugitive gas migration across soils and seasons. Elementa. Here.
Lavoie, M., Baillie, J., Bourlon, E., O’Connell, E., MacKay, K., Boelens, I., Risk, D. (2022). Sweet and sour: A quantitative analysis of methane emissions in contrasting Alberta, Canada, heavy oil developments. Science of the Total Environment. Here.
Watts, J., Natali, S., Minions, C., Risk, R., et al. (2021). Soil respiration strongly offsets carbon uptake in Alaska and Northwest Canada. Environmental Research Letters. Here.
MacKay, K., Lavoie, M., Bourlon, E., Atherton, E., O’Connell, E., Baillie, J., Fougere, C., Risk, D. (2021). Methane emissions from upstream oil and gas production in Canada are underestimated. Scientif Reports. Here.
MacKay, K., Lavoie, M., Bourlon, E., Atherton, E., O’Connell, E., Baillie, J., Fougere, C., Risk, D. (2021). Methane emissions from upstream oil and gas production in Canada are underestimated. Dataset. Here.
Shaw, J., Allen, G., Pitt, J., Shah, A., Wilde S., Stamford, L., Fan, Z., Ricketts, H., Williams, P., Bateson, P., Barker, P., Purvis, R., Lowry, D., Fisher, R., France, J., Coleman, M., Lewis, A., Risk, D., Ward, R. (2020). Methane flux from flowback operaions at a shale gas site. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. Here.
Taylor, K., Risk, D., Williams, J.P., Wach, G., Sherwood, O. (2020). Occurrence and origin of groundwater methane in the Stellarton Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada. Science of The Total Environment. Here.
Gallant, K., Withey, P., Risk, D., van Kooten, G.C., Spafford, L. (2020). Measurement and economic valuation of carbon sequestration in Nova Scotian wetlands. Ecological Economics. Here.
Subke, J-A., Risk, D., Kutzbach, L. (2020). Soil Chamber Measurements. In Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements. Thomas Fokken Ed.
Hanlon, T., Risk, D. (2019). Using computational fluid dynamics and field experiments to improve vehicle-based wind measurements for environmental monitoring. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Here.
MacKay, K., Risk, D., Atherton, A., Fougére, C., Bourlon, E., O’Connell, E., Baillie, J. (2019). Fugitive and vented methane emissions surveying on the Weyburn CO2-EOR field in southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Here.
Natali, S., Watts, J., Rogers, B., Risk, D. et al (2019). Synthesis of Winter In Situ Soil CO2 Flux in pan-Arctic and Boreal Regions, 1989-2017. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Here.
Natali, S., Watts, J., Rogers, B., Risk, D. et al. (2019). Large loss of CO2 in winter observed across pan-arctic permafrost region. Nature Climate Change. Here.
Egan, J., Bowling, D., Risk, D. (2019). Technical Note: Isotopic corrections for the radiocarbon composition of CO2 in the soil gas environment must account for diffusion and diffusive mixing. Biogeosciences. Here.
Williams, J.P., Risk, D., Marshall, A., Nickerson, N., Martell, A., Creelman, C., Grace, M., Wach, G. (2019). Methane emissions from abandoned coal and oil and gas developments in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Here.
Fox, T., Barchyn, T., Risk, D., Ravikumar A., Hugenholtz, C. (2019). A review of close-range and screening technologies for measuring fugitive methane emissions in upstream oil and gas. Environmental Research Letters. Here.
Baillie, J., Risk, D., Atherton, E., O’Connell, E., Fougère, C., Bourlon, E., MacKay, K. (2019). Methane emissions from conventional and unconventional oil and gas production sites in southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada. Environmental Research Communications 1 011003. Here.
O’Connell, E., Risk, D., Atherton, E., Bourlon, E., Fougere, C., Baillie, J., Lowry, D., Johnson, J. (2019). Methane emissions from contrasting production regions within Alberta, Canada: Implications under incoming federal methane regulations. Elem Sci Anth, 7(1), 3. Here.
MacIntyre, C., Risk, D., Lee, C.K, Cary, S.K. (2018). Processes driving the soil CO2 temporal variability in Antarctic Dry Valleys. Geoderma, , 337, 871–879. Here.
Tarakki, N., Risk, D., Fougere, C., Spafford, L. (2018). A Meta-Analysis of the Surface Soil Gas Measurement Monitoring and Verification (MMV) Program at the Aquistore Project. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Here.
Spafford, L., Risk, D. (2018). Spatiotemporal Variability in Lake-Atmosphere Net CO2Exchange in the Littoral Zone of an Oligotrophic Lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. Here.
Williams, J., Reeder, M., Pekney, N., Osborne, J., McCawley, M. (2018). Atmospheric impacts of a natural gas development within the urban context of Morgantown, West Virginia. Science of the Total Environment. Here.
Klapstein, S., Ziegler, S., Risk, D., O’Driscoll, N. (2018). Assessing the utility of dissolved organic matter photo reactivity as a predictor of in situ methyl mercury concentration. Journal of Environmental Sciences. Here.
Graham, L., Risk, D. (2018). Explaining CO2 fluctuations observed in snowpacks. Biogeosciences. 15, 847-859. Here.
Worth, K., White, D., Chalaturnyk, R., Sorensen, J., Hawkes, C., Rostron, B., Risk, D., Young, A., Sacuta, N. (2017). Aquistore: Year One – Injection, Data, Results. Elsevier. 114, 5624-5635. Here.
Atherton, E., Risk D., Fougere C., Lavoie M., Marshall A., Werring J., Williams J., Minions C. (2017). Methane emissions from hydraulically fractured natural gas developments in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Here.
Wunch, D., Arrowsmith, C., Heerah, S., Mostafavipak, S., Tevlin, A., Gichuki, S., Risk, D. (2017). GTA LGR/AMR Truck Campaign July 24 – August 4, 2017. Scholars Portal Dataverse. Here.
Sizmur, T., McArthur, G., Risk, D., Tordon, R., O’Driscoll, N.J. (2017). Gaseous mercury flux from salt marshes is mediated by solar radiation and temperature. Atmospheric Environment, 153: 117-125. Here.
Klapstein, S.J., Ziegler, S.E., Risk, D., O’Driscoll, N.J. (2016). Quantifying the effects of photo reactive dissolved organic matter on methylmercury photodemethylation rates in freshwaters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36-6:1493–1502. Here.
Kim, Y., Park, S.-J., Lee, B.-Y., Risk, D. (2016). Continuous measurement of soil carbon efflux with Forced Diffusion (FD) chambers in a tundra ecosystem of Alaska. Science of The Total Environment 566–567:175–184. Here.
Liang, L., Riveros-Iregui, R. A., & Risk, D. (2016). Spatial and seasonal variabilities of the stable carbon isotope composition of soil CO 2 concentration and flux in complex terrain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 121– 9:2328 –2339. Here.
Phillips, C.L., Bond-Lamberty, B., Desai, A.R., Lavoie, M., Risk, D., Tang, J., Todd-Brown, K., Vargas, R. (2016). The value of soil respiration measurements for interpreting and modeling terrestrial carbon cycling. Plant Soil. 413: 1. Here.
Webb, E., Schuur, E., Natali, S., Oken, K., Bracho, R., Krapek, J., Risk, D., Nickerson, N. (2016). Increased wintertime CO2 loss as a result of sustained tundra warming. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biosciences. 121:249–265. Here.
Latimer, R., Risk, D. (2015). An inversion approach for determining production depth and temperature sensitivity of soil respiration. Biogeosciences 13(7) 2111. Here.
Latimer, R., Risk, D. (2015). An inversion approach for determining production depth and temperature sensitivity of soil respiration. Biogeosciences Discussions 12(13): 10137. Here.
Hurry, J., Risk, D., Lavoie, M., Brooks, B-G., Phillips, C., Goeckede, M. (2016). Atmospheric monitoring and detection of fugitive emissions for Enhanced Oil Recovery. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 45: 1-8. Here.
Bhatia, S., Risk, D. (2015). Speciation in Application Environments for Dissolved Carbon Dioxide Sensors. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 226:154. Here.
Bowling, D., Egan, E., Hall, S., Risk, D. (2015). Environmental forcing does not induce diel or synoptic variation in carbon isotope content of forest soil respiration. Biogeosciences Discussions. 12: 5143-5160. Here.
Lavoie, M., Phillips, C.L., Risk, D. (2015). A practical approach for uncertainty quantification of high-frequency aoil respiration using forced diffusion chambers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biosciences. 120(1): 128-146. Here.
Risk, D., Lavoie, M., Nickerson, N. (2015). Using the Kerr investigations at Weyburn to screen geochemical tracers for near-surface detection and attribution of leakage at CCS/EOR sites. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 35: 13-17. Here.
Bhatia, S., Risk, D., Pustam, A., Smith-Palmer, T., Burton, G., Melo, L., Wild, P. (2014). Biofouling of an all-optical sensor for seafloor monitoring of marine carbon capture and storage sites. Energy Procedia. 63: 3848-3852. Here.
Egan, J., Nickerson, N., Phillips, C.L., Risk, D. (2014). A Numerical Examination of 14CO2 Chamber Methodologies for Sampling at the Soil Surface. Radiocarbon. 56(3): 1175-1188. Here.
Melo L., Burton G., Davies B., Risk D., Wild P. (2014). Highly sensitive coated long period grating sensor for CO2 detection at atmospheric pressure. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 202: 294-300. Here.
Nickerson N., Egan J., Risk D. (2014). Subsurface Approaches for Measuring Soil CO2 Isotopologue Flux: Theory and Application. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences. Here.
O’Brien K., O’Beirne-Ryan A.M., Rainham D., Risk D. (2014). Using Field Analogue Soil Column Experiments to Quantify Radon-222 Gas Migration and Transport Through Soils and Bedrock of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Environmental Earth Sciences. 1-14. Here.
Creelman, C., Nickerson, N., Risk, D. (2013). Quantifying lateral diffusion error in soil CO2 respiration instruments using numerical modeling. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Here.
Lavoie, M., Kellman, L., Risk, D. (2013). The effects of clear-cutting on soil CO2, CH4, and N2O flux, storage and concentration in two Atlantic temperate forests in Nova Scotia, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management. Here.
Nickerson, N., Egan, J., Risk, D., (2013). Iso-FD: A novel method for measuring the true isotopic signature of surface flux. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 62: 99–106. Here.
Nickerson, N., Risk, D. (2013) Using subsurface CO2 concentrations and isotopologues to identify CO2 seepage from CCS/CO2-EOR sites: A signal-to-noise based analysis. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 14: 239-246. Here.
Phillips, C., McFarlane, K., Risk, D., Desai, A. (2013). Biological and physical influences on soil 14CO2 seasonal dynamics in a temperate hardwood forest. Biogeosciences. Here.
Risk, D., Lee, C., MacIntyre, C., Cary, C. (2013) “First Year-Round Record of Antarctic Dry Valley Soil CO2 Flux”, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 66, 193-196. Here.
Lavoie, M., Owens, J., Risk, D. (2012) A new method for real-time monitoring of soil CO2 efflux. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00214.x. Here.
Risk, D., McArthur, G., Nickerson, N., Phillips, C., Hart, C., Egan, J., Lavoie, M. (2012). Bulk and isotopic characterization of biogenic CO2 sources and variability in the Weyburn injection area. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Here.
Risk, D., Nickerson, N., Phillips, C., Kellman, L., Moroni, M. (2012). Drought alters respired δ13CO2 from autotrophic, but not heterotrophic soil respiration. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 50: 26-32. Here.
Creelman, C. Risk, D. (2011). Network Design for soil CO2 monitoring of the northern North American region. Ecological Modelling 222: 3421-3428. Here.
Klapstein, S., Risk, D. (2011). Characteristic Changes in Soil CO2 Efflux Resulting from Physical Disturbance. Journal of Young Investigators (JYI) 2, 17-30.
O’Brien, K., Goodwin, T., Risk, D. (2011). Radon soil gas in the Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, Canada. Atlantic Geology 47: 112-124. Here.
Phillips CL, Nickerson N., Risk D., Bond B. (2011). Interpreting diel hysteresis between soil respiration and temperature. Global Change Biology 17 (1), 515-527. Here.
Risk, D., Nickerson, N., Creelman, C., McArthur, G., Owens, J. (2011). Forced Diffusion Soil Flux: A new technique for continuous monitoring of soil gas efflux. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Here.
Klapstein, S., Risk, D. (2010). Relative Importance of Physical Constraints on Decomposition. The Journal of Young Investigators Vol. 21, Issue 2, pages 17-30, February 2011. Here.
Phillips, C., Nickerson, N., Risk, D., Kayler, Z.E., Andersen, C., Mix, A., Bond, B. (2010) Soil moisture effects on the carbon isotope composition of soil respiration. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 24: 1271-1280. Here.
Risk, D., Nickerson, N., Van Pelt, A. (2010). Exciting Development: Real-Time Carbon Isotope Measurements for Quantifying Soil Carbon – A Strategic Asset in Combating Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigating Climate Change, International Energy Agency Soils Newsletter 33, 6-8. Here.
Nickerson, N., Risk, D. (2009) A numerical evaluation of chamber methodologies used in measuring the δ13C of soil respiration. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23, 2802-2810. Here.
Risk, D., Kellman, L, Moroni, M. (2009). Characterization of variability and spatial patterns in tree and soil δ13C at research sites in eastern Canada. Isotopes in Environment and Health 45, 220-230. Here.
Nickerson, N., Risk, D. (2009) Keeling plots are non-linear in non-steady state diffusive environments. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L08401, doi:10.1029/2008GL036945. Here.
Nickerson, N., Risk, D. (2009) Physical Controls on the Isotopic Composition of Soil Respired and CO2. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 114, G01016, doi:10.1029/2008JG000844. Here.
Risk, D., Kellman, L., Beltrami, H., Diochon, A. (2008) In-situ incubations by root exclusion highlight the climatic sensitivity of soil organic matter pools. Environmental Research Letters, 3, 044004. Here.
Risk, D., Kellman, L. (2008) Isotopic Fractionation in Non-Equilibrium Diffusive Environments. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L02403, doi:10.1029/2007GL032374. Here.
Risk, D., Kellman, L., Beltrami H. (2008) A new method for in-situ soil gas diffusivity measurement and applications in the monitoring of subsurface and CO2 production. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences – doi:10.1029/2007JG000501. Here.
Kellman, L. Beltrami, H., Risk, D. (2006) Changes in seasonal soil respiration with pasture conversion to forest in Atlantic Canada. Biogeochemistry, 10.1007/s10533-006-9056-0. Here.
Risk, D., Kellman, L., Beltrami, H. (2002). Soil and CO2 production and surface flux at four climate observatories in eastern Canada, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16 (4), 1122, doi:10.1029/2001GB001831. Here.
Risk, D., Kellman, L.,Beltrami, H. (2002). Carbon dioxide in soil profiles: Production and temperature dependence, Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (6), 10.1029/2001GL014002. Here.
Khaleghi, A., Göckede, M., Risk, D. Advancing Methane Source Localization and Quantification: A Lagrangian Approach. Presentation at CanCH4 symposium, Ottawa, Canada, May 2024.
Omidi, A., Bourlon, E., Khaleghi, A., Tarraki, N., Farjami, F., Risk, D. Emission Dynamics: A Comprehensive Measurement Study of Canadian Landfills. Presentation at CanCH4 symposium, Ottawa, Canada, May 2024.
Hossain,R., Dudak,Y., Buntov,P., Canning,E., Martino,R., Fougère,C., Naseridoust,S., Bourlon,E., Lavoie,M., Khaleghi,A., Farjami, F., Ells, Lyza., Berthiaume, M., Hall,C., Risk,D. A Controlled Release Experiment for Investigating Methane Measurement Performance at Landfills. Presentation at CanCH4 symposium, Ottawa, Canada, May 2024.
Khaleghi, A., Bourlon, E., Omidi, A., Stuart, J., Martino, R., Ghasemi, D., Gougere, C., Darlington, A., Ars, S., Gillespie, L., Göckede, M., Risk, D. Mitigating Methane Emissions: A Comprehensive Measurement Study of Canadian Landfills. Hybrid presentation at European Geophysical Union General Assembly (EGU24), Vienna, Austria, April 2024.
LeVernois, M., Latimer, R., Risk, D. Fisher, R.E. Geochemical Analysis of Regional Methane Emissions in Bonnyville/Cold Lake, Alberta. Presentation at StFX Student Research Day, March 2024.
LeVernois, M. Regional Methane Emissions: Not Your Grandma’s Secret Recipe. Presentation at StFX 3 Minute Thesis Competition, March 2024.
Martino, R. Stuart, J., Bourlon, E., Khaleghi, A., Fougere, C., Ghasemi, D., Coyle, L., Risk, D. Quantifying Landfill Methane Emissions Across Canada. Waste 360 Global Waste Management Symposium, Indian Wells, CA, USA, February 2024.
Hossain, R., Buntov, P., Dudak, Y., Canning ,E., Risk, D., Naseridoust, S., Martino R., Fougere ,C., Berthiaume, M., Hall, C.A controlled release experiment for investigating methane measurement performance at landfills. Presentation at Global Waste Management Symposium,In-person, February 2024
El Hachem, K., Kennedy, S., Argento, M., Mundle, O.C.S., Risk, D. Gas Migration: Measurements of Methane and Ethane Emissions from Soils Near Oil and GAs Wells. American Geophysical Union. San Franciso, CA, December 2023.
Stuart, J., Martino, R., Bourlon, E., Coyle, L., Vogt, J., Khaleghi, A., Hammer, M., Boyd, M., Kennedy, A., Kennedy, S., Perrine, G., Ars, S., Vogel, F., Gilberston, E., Fraser, S., Risk, D. Direct Measurement of Landfill Methane Emissions Across Canada. American Geophysical Union. San Franciso, CA, December 2023.
Khaleghi, A., Bourlon, E., Stuart, J., Martino, R., Vogt, J., Coyle, L., LeVernois, M., Lavoie, M., Perrine, G., Kennedy, A., Boyd, M., Kennedy, S., Hammer, M., Ars, S., Vogel, F., Mahdianpari, M., Risk, D. A Comparison of Methane Source Localization Methods in Landfills Across Canada Using Truck-Based Measurement, Lagrangian Stochastic Back Trajectory Modeling, and Landsat Thermal Images. Presentation at European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2023.
Khaleghi, A., Bourlon, E., Stuart, J., Martino, R., Vogt, J., Coyle, L., LeVernois, M., Lavoie, M., Perrine, G., Kennedy, A., Boyd, M., Kennedy, S., Hammer, M., Ars, S., Vogel, F., Gilbertson, E., Goeckede, M., Risk, D. Advancing Methane Source Localization and Rate Estimation in Canadian Landfills: Integrating Truck-Based Measurement, Back-Trajectory Lagrangian Stochastic Modeling, and Carbon Mapper Data. Presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2023.
Latimer, R., Bourlon, E., El-Hachem, K., Risk, D. A Robust Processing Framework for Vehicle-Based Methane Emission Detection and Quantification. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
LeVernois, M., Latimer, R., Ghasemi, D., Hammer, M., Risk, D. REACH4 – Building Capacity for Measuring Regional Methane Emissions. Poster Presentation at PTAC Methane Leadership Summit, April 2023.
LeVernois, M., Latimer, R., Risk, D. Fisher, R.E. Characterization and Partitioning Opportunities of Major Methane Sources in Bonnyville, Alberta, Canada. Poster Presentation at AGU Annual Meeting, December 2023.
Lavoie, M., Ris, D., MacKay, K., Bourlon, E. Underestimation of reported methane emissions, and air pollutant loadings, from upstream oil and gas activities in Canada. Poster Presentation at EGU annual Meeting 2023.
Risk, D. Landfill MRV Initiatives In Canada. Methane Emissions Management from Landfill and Waste Conference, International Centre for Climate and Sustainability Action Foundation, Mumbai, India. 2023.
Risk, D. Methane Measurement Methods and Larger-Scale Approaches. 2023 Greenhouse Gas Workshop, Canadian Society of Soil Science, Truro, Canada. 2023.
Risk, D. Quantification of Landfill Emissions. Environmental Research and Education Fund Summit, Chicago, United States of America. 2023.
Risk, D. Canada Global Centre of Excellence on Methane Detection and Elimination. One-hour Ministerial Briefing to Jonathan Wilkinson (Natural Resources Canada), Ottawa, Canada. 2023.
Risk, D. Overview of Landfill Emissions Measurement Strategies and Technologies. EREF Summit: Quantification of Landfill Emissions, Chicago, United States of America. 2023.
Risk, D. Large-Scale Canadian Landfill Quantification Survey. International Symposium on Waste Management, Resource Recovery and Sustainable Landfilling, Sardinia, Italy. 2023.
Risk, D. Large Scale Landfill Emission Measurement Across Canada Measurement Methods. Air and Waste Management Association Conference, North Carolina, United States of America. 2023.
Risk, D. British Columbia Fugitive Emission Management Program Effectiveness Assessment: Lessons for Regulation, MRV. Canadian Methane Experts Workshop (organized by Environmental Defence Fund and Pembina Institute), Ottawa, Canada. 2023.
Risk, D. Resource Recovery and Sustainable Landfilling. International Symposium on Waste Management, Italy. 2023.
Vogt, J., Perrine, G., Laforest, J., Argento, M., Kennedy, S., Bourlon, E., Lavoie, M., Risk, D. Quantification of anthropogenic methane emissions in four different regions of western Canada. Presentation at CMOS-CGU-ESC Joint Congress, Online, June 2022.
Argento, M., Kennedy, S., Henderson, F., Lewis, R., Mallyon, DA., Risk, D., Nickerson, N. Soil surface flux measurements of fugitive gas migration across soils and seasons. Presentation at The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) 56th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Annual Meeting, June 2022.
Vogt, J., MacKay, K., Lavoie, M., Bourlon, E., Baillie, J., Atherton, E., O’Connell, E., Fougère, C., Perrine, G., Risk, D. Methane emission intensities for upstream oil and gas production in Canada. Poster presentation at Industrial Methane Measurement conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 2022.
MacKay, K., Khaleghi, A., Bourlon, E., Coyle, L., Ketchum, I., Risk, D. Aircraft-based measurements of methane emissions from Canada’s offshore oil industry. Presentation at The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) 56th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Annual Meeting, and the 78th Eastern Snow Conference (ESC), June 2022.
Khaleghi, A., MacKay, K., Bourlon, E., Lavoie, M., Darlington, A., James, L., A., Risk, D. Methane emission rate estimates from offshore oil facilities in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, using an airborne measurement technique. Poster at Industrial Methane Measurement Conference (IMM), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2022.
Khaleghi, A., Bourlon, E., Nickerson, N., Gosse, C., Goeckede, M., Risk, D. Stationary sensing of temporal emissions from natural gas infrastructure using a Back-trajectory Lagrangian stochastic model. Presentation at Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) annual meeting, June 2022.
Gilles Perrine, Martin Lavoie, Katlyn MacKay, Judith Vogt, Jennifer Baillie, Evelise Bourlon, Emmaline Atherton, Elizabeth O’Connell, Chelsea Fougère, David Risk. Methane emissions from inactive oil and gas infrastructure in Western Canada. Presentation at the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) 56th Congress, the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Annual Meeting, and the 78th Eastern Snow Conference (ESC). Online. June 2022.
Lavoie, MacKay, K., Stirling, J., M., Risk, D. Methane inventories, but not regulatory submissions, show major variations in methane intensity for Canadian oil and gas producers. Presentation at CMOS-CGU-ESC Joint Congress, Online, June 2022.
Vogt, J., Perrine, G., Lavoie, M., Bourlon, E., Risk, D. Quantification of methane emissions from anthropogenic sources: A case study in Canada. Presentation at European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2022.
Khaleghi, A., MacKay, K., Bourlon, E., Lavoie, M., Darlington, A., James, L., A., Risk, D. Airborne Emissions of Methane at Offshore Oil Platforms in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Presentation at European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2022.
Vogt, J., Risk, D., Azetsu-Scott, K., Edinger, E. N. , Sherwood, O. A. Atmospheric and surface-water methane monitoring in the Northern Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay during the 2021 CCGS Amundsen expedition. Presentation at ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting, Online, December 2021.
Vogt, J., Laforest, J., Argento, M. , Kennedy, S., Bourlon, E., Lavoie, M., Risk, D. Methane Emissions from Three Canadian Oil and Natural Gas Developments. Presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 2021.
Khaleghi, A., Bourlon, E., Risk, D., Goeckede, M. Synthetic testing of a back-trajectory Lagrangian dispersion model to locate methane-emitting sources. Poster at Meeting the Methane Emissions Reduction Target Post-COVID remote Webinar, Calgary, Canada, July 2020.
Johnson, J., Risk, D., Bourlon, E., Baillie, J. Improving vehicle-based emission rate calculation uncertainty using data quality indicators. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
Wesley, D., Garrison, B., Layden R., MacLeod, R., Dallimore, S., Risk, D. Landscape-scale variability of methane in the Mackenzie-Beaufort Delta region of northern Canada, during winter and summer. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
MacKay, K., Risk, D., Bourlon, E. Developing a better understanding of methane emissions patterns and inventories across major Canadian energy developments. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
Risk, D., Pfau, C., O’Connell, L., Atherton, E. Preparing for 2020: Trialling an alternative fugitive leak detection program at an upstream energy development in Alberta, Canada. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2019.
Risk, D. Methane Emissions Data Aggregation and Analysis Project for FEMP-EA and Canadian context: Resources, patterns, and measurement methodology performance. PTAC Methane Emissions Reduction Forum. Banff, Alberta, November 2019.
MacKay, K., Risk, D., Lavoie, M., Bourlon, E. O’Connell, E., Baillie, J., Atherton, E. Aggregated datasets for understanding Fugitive Emissions Management Program Effectiveness. PTAC Methane Emissions Reduction Forum, Banff Alberta, November 2019.
Johnson, J., Risk, D. Exploring Vehicle-Based Methane Emission Rate Calculation Uncertainty. Energy3 Conference. Halifax Nova Scotia, October 2019.
MacKay, K., Risk, D., Lavoie, M., Bourlon, E. O’Connell, E., Baillie, J., Atherton, E. Baselining Methane Emissions Across Canadian Energy Developments. Energy3 Conference. Halifax Nova Scotia, October 2019.
Hall, C., Risk, D. Big Data and Methane Emissions Research (Data Room Presentation). Energy3 Conference. Halifax Nova Scotia, October 2019.
McCabe, C., Risk. D. Smart Cruise Control Algorithms to Increase Fuel Economy. Energy3 Conference. Halifax Nova Scotia, October 2019.
Flood, M., Risk. D. Advancements In Leak Detection and Repair Technology Used To Mitigate Fugitive Emissions Along the Lifecycle of LNG. Energy3 Conference. Halifax Nova Scotia, October 2019.
Taylor, K., Risk, D., Williams, J.P., Wach, G.D., Sherwood, O.A. Occurrence and origin of groundwater methane in the Stellarton Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada. Energy3 Conference. Halifax Nova Scotia, October 2019.
Wesley, D. Risk, D. Ziegler. Mobile surveying to assess arctic and boreal forest greenhouse gas fluxes. Science Atlantic Environment Conference. Antigonish Nova Scotia, March 2019.
Natali, S. et al. A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2018.
Taylor, K., Williams, J., O’Connell, E., Mckenzie, C., Watch, G., Risk, D., Sherwood, O. Occurrence and Origin of Groundwater Methane in Proximity to Legacy Coal Mines in Nova Scotia. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2018.
Watts, J.D. et al. B081: Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2018.
Tarakki, N., Risk, D. Radiocarbon CO2 in soil: Investigating natural anomalies at the Aquistore CCS Project. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2018.
Yongwon, K. et al. Quantification of annual soil CO2 emission in unburned and burned black spruce forest of interior Alaska. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2018.
Natali, S.M. et al. A pan-Arctic synthesis of carbon emissions during the nongrowing season, Arctic Flux Workshop, Hyytiälä, Finland, February 2017.
Natali, S.M. et al. A pan-Arctic synthesis of carbon emissions during the nongrowing season,North American Carbon Program Meeting. Bethesda, MaryLand, March 2017.
Risk D. Fugitive and vented emissions from energy developments in Alberta, Canada: Lessons from extensive measurement campaigns. Transatlantic Knowledge Sharing Conference on Unconventional Hydrocarbons: Resources, Risks, Impact, and Research Needs. Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2017.
MacKay, K., Risk, D., O’Connell, L., Baillie, J., Fougére, C. Baselining fugitive and vented emissions across Canadian energy developments. Industrial Methane Measurement Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, November 2017.
Risk, D. Large-Scale measurement campaigns of fugitive and vented emissions in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan: Patterns and Opportunities. Methane Emissions in the Canadian Oil and Gas Sector – Current Science and Policy Implications, Meeting at Carlton University, Ottawa, Canada, November 2017.
Natali, S.M. et al. A pan-Arctic synthesis of carbon emissions during the nongrowing season, American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2017.
Minions C., Risk D., Graham L. Measuring CO2 flux through a snow pack using an automated sampling method, Cape Breton Highlands, NS. Science Atlantic. Fredericton, NB, March 2016.
O’Connell E. Fugitive Emission Surveying on Apache’s Midale Field. Apache field office, Saskatchawan, April 2016.
Natali, S.M. et al. A pan-Arctic synthesis of carbon emissions during the nongrowing season, International Conference on Permafrost, Potsdam, Germany, June 2016.
O’Connell E., Laybolt W. Mapping Gas Variability for Energy Development Monitoring. Atlantic Research Institute for Sustainable Energy meeting, Halifax, NS, June 2016.
O’Connell E. Upstream Fugitive Emissions Detection and Attribution. Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada, Technology for Emissions Reduction and Ecoefficiency committee, Calgary, AB, June 2016.
Risk D., O’Connell E. Mobile Emissions Study Preliminary Results. Saskatchewan Ministry of Economy; SK energy regulators; Saskatchewan Research Council. Regina, SK, September 2016.
Minions C., MacIntyre C., Risk D., Natali S., Gallant K. Temperature sensitivity of Northern soils using flux-concentration measurements and inversion analysis. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
Atherton E., Risk, D.,Risk D., Fougere C., Lavoie M., Marshall A, Werring J. Methane Emissions from Hydraulically Fractured Natural Gas Developments in Northeastern British Columbia. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
Williams J., Risk D., McCawley M., Pekney N., Osborne J. Atmospheric gas concentrations during an unconventional oil and gas recovery operation at the MSEEL test site, West Virginia. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
Ballie J., Risk D., Atherton E., Fougere C., O’Connell E., Lavoie M., Mackay K., Marshall A., Williams J., MacIntyre C. Fugitive and vented gas emissions across conventional and unconventional oil developments in southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
Marshall, A., Williams, J., Baillie, J., MacKay, K., Risk, D., Fleck, D. (2016) Fugitive Emissions Attribution via Simultaneous Measurement of Ethane and Methane Isotopic Signature in Vehicle-based Surveys. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
O’Connell E., Risk D., Fougere C., Lavoie M., Atherton E., Ballie J., MacKay K., Marshall A. Baselining Fugitive and Vented Emissions Across Canadian Energy Developments. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
Spafford L., Risk D. Temporally-resolved study of atmosphere-lake net CO2 exchange at Lochaber Lake, Nova Scotia, Canada. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
MacKay, K., Risk, D., MacIntyre, C., O’Connell, L., Baillie, J., Fougere, C., Lavoie, M. Explaining seasonal variation of fugitive and vented emissions from upstream oil and gas infrastructure. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
Klapstein, S., Risk, D., Ziegler, S., O’Driscoll, N. Influences of solar radiation on mercury in Kejimkujik National park lakes. Science Atlantic Environment Conference. St. Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, March 2015.
Laybolt, W., Risk, D., Lavoie, M., Hurry, J., MacIntyre, C., O’Connell, E. Identification of surface leaks by combining vehicle-based observation, excess ratios, and signal amplification algorithms. IEAGHG Monitoring Meeting. Berkeley, CA, June 2015.
Klapstein, S., Risk, D., Ziegler, S., O’Driscoll, N. Photodemethylation in temperate freshwater and the effect of dissolved organic matter. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. Jeju, South Korea, June 2015.
Klapstein, S., Risk, D., Ziegler, S., O’Driscoll, N. Seasonal shifts in water quality may have implications for mercury photodemethylation. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. Jeju, South Korea, June 2015.
MacKay, K., Risk, D., Hurry, J., MacIntyre, C., Lavoie, M. A mobile-based approach to monitoring fugitive emissions at the Weyburn CO2-EOR site. Carbon Management Technology Conference. Sugarland, TX, November 2015.
Klapstein, S., Risk, D., Ziegler, S., O’Driscoll, N. Monitoring of methylmercury and DOM over 3 years: Implications for mercury contamination in Kejimkujik National Park. Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute Conservation Science Meeting. Caledonia, NS, November 2015.
Klapstein, S., Risk, D., Ziegler, S., O’Driscoll, N. Quantifying methylmercury photodemethylation rates in freshwater temperate lakes. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT, November 2015.
Klapstein, S., Risk, D., Ziegler, S., O’Driscoll, N. Monitoring of methylmercury and DOM over 3 years: Implications for mercury contamination in Kejimkujik National Park. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT, November 2015.
Atherton, E., Risk, D., Lavoie, M., Marshall, A., Baillie, J., Williams, J. Fugitive Emissions from Conventional and Hydraulically Fractured Natural Gas Developments in Western Canada. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
Egan, J., Natali, S., Alexander, H., Loranty, M., Risk, D., Spawn, S. Long-term Impacts of Fire on Permafrost Vulnerability and C loss in Siberian Larch Forests. America Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
Marshall, A., Risk, D., Lavoie, M., Brooks, B-G., MacIntyre, C., Baillie, J., Laybolt, W., Williams, J., Goeckede, M., Phillips, C. Mobile Detection of Fugitive Emissions using Computationally Optimized Geochemical Methods. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
Baillie, J., Risk, D., Lavoie, M., Williams, J. Mapping Fugitive Gas Emission Sources and Severity Across Southeastern Saskatchewan. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
Graham, L., Natali, S., Rastetter, E., Shaver, G., Risk, D., Loranty, M., Jastrow, J. Long-term nutrient fertilization decreases CO2 loss in Arctic tundra. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
MacIntyre, C., Risk, D., Lee, C., Cary, C. Role of biotic and abiotic processes on soil CO2 dynamics in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Arctic Net Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, December 2015.
Risk D., Lavoie M., Marshall A., Ballie J., Atherton E., Laybolt, W. Timeseries signal processing for Enhanced Mobile Surveys: Learning from Field Studies. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
Graham L., Risk D. Gas Transport through snowpacks. Science Atlantic Environment Conference, Antigonish, NS, March 2014.
Klapstein S., O’Driscoll N., Risk D., Ziegler S. Phototransformation of dissolved organic carbon within mercury sensitive lakes in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada. Science Atlantic Environment Conference. Antigonish, NS, March 2014.
MacDonell H., Klapstein S., Risk D. Carbon fluxes and dissolved organic carbon concentrations of a lake in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia. Science Atlantic Environment Conference. Antigonish, NS, March 2014.
MacIntyre C., Risk D. Understanding source contributions to CO2 flux in soils of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Science Atlantic Environment Conference. Antigonish, NS, March 2014.
O’Connell E., Laybolt W., Risk D. Mapping Gas Variability for Energy Development Monitoring. Science Atlantic Environment Conference. Antigonish, NS, March 2014.
Viale A., Schumacher M. Near-surface aquifer mapping for Antigonish County. Science Atlantic Environment Conference. Antigonish, NS, March 2014.
Hurry J., Risk D. Multi-gas detectability of fugitive emissions at an enhanced oil recovery site. Nova Scotia Energy R&D Conference. Halifax, NS, May 2014.
O’Connell E., Risk D. Mapping Gas Variability for Energy Development Monitoring. Nova Scotia Energy R&D Conference. Halifax, NS, May 2014.
Bhatia S., Risk D. Biofouling of an all-optical sensor for measurement, monitoring and verification of marine carbon capture and storage sites. Carbon Management Canada Annual Conference. Banff, AB, May 2014.
Bhatia S., Risk D. Fibre Optic Sensing for Monitoring in the Offshore. Nova Scotia Energy R&D Conference. Halifax, NS, May 2014.
Klapstein, S.J., Risk, D.R., Ziegler, S.E., and N.J. O’Driscoll. Quantifying the effect of photoreactive dissolved organic matter on the photodemethylation of methylmercury in a temperate freshwater ecosystem. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America 35th Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, November 2014.
Klapstein, S.J., Risk, D.R., Ziegler, S.E., and N.J. O’Driscoll. Monitoring of seasonal shifts in DOM phototransformation potential in temperate freshwater lakes: Implications for mercury photodemethylation. 35th Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America. Vancouver BC, November 2014.
Klapstein, S.J., Risk, D.R., Ziegler, S.E., and N.J. O’Driscoll. Monitoring of seasonal shifts in DOM phototransformation potential in temperate freshwater lakes: Implications for mercury photodemethylation. MTRI Science Conference. Lunenburg, NS, November 2014.
Egan, J., Bowling, D., Risk, D. Mass-dependent Corrections and Atmospheric Invasion: Working with the Radiocarbon Content of CO2 in the Soil Gas Environment. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2014.
Laybolt, W., Risk, D., O’Connell, E., Lavoie, M. Understanding the relationship between soil processes and atmospheric methane concentrations. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
Graham, L., Risk, D. Explaining high frequency CO2 fluctuations observed in snowpacks. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
Lavoie, M., Phillips, C., Risk, D. A practical approach for uncertainty quantification of high frequency soil respiration using Forced Diffusion chambers. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2014.
Bowling, D., Egan, J., Hall, S., Risk, D. Environmental forcing does not lead to diel or synoptic variability in carbon isotope content of forest soil respiration. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2014.
Risk D. Key Concepts and Issues in the Monitoring of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Sites. Dalhousie Earth Sciences Seminar Series, Halifax, January 2013.
Risk D. Surface Monitoring Issues and Opportunities Related to Unconventional Gas Exploration. Nova Scotia Deputy Minister of Environment, Advisory Meeting. Halifax, May 2013.
Nickerson N., Egan J., Risk D., McArthur G., Cunninghman K., Jacobson G., Saad N., Panetta R. Isotopic Forced-Diffusion Technique for Soil Respiration Pathway Studies. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, April 2013.
Risk, D., Lavoie M., Brooks B., Goeckede M.,Phillips C. Multi-Species monitoring for fugitive gases and CO2 leakage at enhanced oil recovery operations. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2013.
McArthur G., Nickerson N., Egan J., Jacobson G., Cunningham K., Saad N. Isotopic Forced-Diffusion Technique for Soil Respiration Studies. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2013.
Egan J., Risk, D., Phillips, C., McArthur G. Soil freeze-thaw causes shift to older respired carbon. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2013.
Graham L., Risk D., Natali S., Nickerson N. Determinants of overwinter variation in CO2 emissions from natural landscapes. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2013.
Lee H., Lawrence DM, Swenson SC., Slater AG, Wieder AG, Phillips CL., Risk D. Evaluating methane dynamics under thawing permafrost using CLM4.5BGC. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2013.
Nickerson N., Risk D., Hart C. Moving Towards more mechanistic models for soil respiration. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2013.
Klapstein S., O’Driscoll N., Risk D., Ziegler S. Phototransformation of dissolved organic carbon within mercury sensitive lakes in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2013.
Nickerson N., Risk D. Seasonal Soil Gas Norms and Dynamics within the WeyburnMidale Enhanced Oil Recovery Field, Saskatchewan. Monitoring Project Integration and Sponsors’ Meeting. Denver, Colorado, January 2012.
Phillips, C.L., McFarlane, K.J., Desai, A.R., Risk, D. Using radiocarbon as a high-frequency tracer of forest CO2 emissions sources: preliminary results from a Northern Wisconsin case study. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, April 2012.
Risk D. Integrated Measurement, Monitoring, and Verification (MMV) of CO2 Injection Research and Implementation, Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro (via Skype), July 2012.
Egan, J., Nickerson, N., Risk, D. High-resolution δ13CO2 soil efflux monitoring in tree girdling experiment exposes large temporal variability. International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, Brest, France, August 2012.
Nickerson, N., Egan, J., Risk, D. IsoFD: A novel method for measuring the unbiased isotopic signature of surface flux. International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, Brest, France, August 2012.
Risk, D., Lee, C., MacIntyre, C., Cary, C.S. Year-round record of Dry Valley soil CO2 flux provides insights into Antarctic soil dynamics. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2012.
Nickerson, N., Risk, D. Using Subsurface CO2 Concentrations and Isotopologues to Detect CCS/EOR Seepage: A Signal-to-Noise Based Analysis. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2012.
Egan, J., Phillips, C.L., Nickerson. N., Risk, D. Method development and modelling to quantify and reduce bias associated with 14CO2 chamber-based sampling at the soil surface. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2012.
Brennan, A., Pendall, E., Risk, D. Continuous soil respiration at the Prairie Heating and Elevated CO2 site by a novel Forced Diffusion approach. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec 2012.
Egan, J., Nickerson, N., Risk, D. Can tree girdling help distinguish between heterotrophic and autotrophic soil respiration in a NS pine plot? APICS Agriculture and Fisheries, Biology and Environmental Studies Conference, Halifax, NS, March 2011.
Hart, C., Risk, D. Multi-Frequency Biophysical Soil Respiration Model. APICS Agriculture and Fisheries, Biology and Environmental Studies Conference, Halifax, NS, March 2011.
Louiseize, N., Risk, D. APICS Winter CO2 Fluxes from a Nova Scotian Bog. Atlantic Provinces Council for the Sciences Environment Meeting, March 2011.
Louiseize, N., Risk, D. Winter CO2 Fluxes from a Nova Scotian Bog. APICS Agriculture and Fisheries, Biology and Environmental Studies Conference, Halifax, NS, March 2011.
Mason, S., Risk, D. Carbon offsetting though the flaring and collecting of methane gas from community landfills. APICS Agriculture and Fisheries, Biology and Environmental Studies Conference, Halifax, NS, March 2011.
Nickerson, N., Egan, J., Risk, D. A novel method to measure the isotope ratio of soil respiration. APICS Agriculture and Fisheries, Biology and Environmental Studies Conference, Halifax, NS, March 2011.
Nickerson, N., Egan, J., Risk, D., A novel method to measure the isotope ratio of soil respiration. Atlantic Provinces Council for the Sciences Environment Meeting, April 2011.
Egan, J., Nickerson, N., Risk, D. Can tree girdling help distinguish between heterotrophic and autotrophic soil respiration in a NS pine plot? Atlantic Provinces Council for the Sciences Environment Meeting, April 2011.
Creelman, C., Risk, D. Network design for soil CO2 monitoring of the northern North American region. Long-Term Soil Experiments Workshop, Duke University, June 2011.
Phillips, C., Risk, D., Som, N., Goeckede, M., McFarlane, K., Desai, A., Monitoring emissions from natural and artificial carbon sequestration options with CO2 flux measurements. Lawrence Livermore Laboratories Centre Symposium, June 2011.Egan, J., Nickerson, N., Risk, D. Subsurface isotope fluxes and production: Theoretical and methodological considerations. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
Egan, J., Nickerson, N., Risk, D. High –resolution delta 13CO2 soil efflux monitoring in tree girdling experiment exposes large temporal variability. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
MacIntyre C., Risk D. Testing low cost OEM CO2 sensors for outdoor ecological studies. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
Hart C., Risk D., Nickerson N., Owens J., McArthur G. Biophysical modeling to elevate environmental sensitivities of soil respiration under field conditions. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
Hart, C., Risk, D. Biodynamic modeling to evaluate environmental sensitivities of soil respiration. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
MacIntyre, C., Risk, D. Just right or too good to be true? Testing the new breed of $100 infrared CO2 sensors. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
Nickerson, N., Risk, D. Synthetic, laboratory, and field development of robust techniques for fractionation-free gas and efflux isotopic measurement. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
Phillips, C., McFarlane, K., Desai, A., Risk, D. Using 14C as a high-frequency tracer of forest CO2 emissions sources: preliminary results from a Northern Wisconsin case study. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
Risk, D., Hart, C., Nickerson, N., Phillips, C., McArthur, G., Creelman, C. What can and cannot yet be explained by high frequency soil respiration data? American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
Risk, D., Phillips, C., Som, N., Goeckede, M. Combining Learnings from Natural Releases of CO2 for CO2 storage: Processes, Impacts and Scale. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
Risk, D., Phillips, C., Som, N., Goeckede, M. Using biological filters to separate biogenic and leak CO2 emissions at carbon capture and storage sites. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2011.
Risk, D., Nickerson, N., McArthur, G., Creelman, Cl, Phillips, C.L., Bourlon, E., Simpson, K., Montenegro, A., Burns, E. Towards a Soil CO2 Observation System for the North American Arctic. Oslo International Polar Year Meeting, Oslo, Norway, May 2010.
Creelman C., Nickerson, N., Risk, D. Quantifying soil CO2 respiration measurement error across instruments using numerical models. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.
Nickerson, N., Phillips, C., Risk, D. A multi-time scale, non-linear approach to understanding soil respiration. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.Owens, J., Risk, D., Nickerson, N. Development of Real-Time Soil Carbon Ecoinformatics Infrastructure Using Observational Network Data. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 2010.
Risk, D., Nickerson, N., Owens, J., Creelman, C., McArthur, G., Phillips, C.L., Bourlon, E., Hart, C., Montenegro, A., Burns, E., Preparing for the Future: A Soil CO2 Observatory for the North American Arctic. ArcticNet Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON, December 2010.
FluxLab. (2024). A controlled release experiment for investigating methane measurement performance at landfills. Here.
Project Summary Report: Surface Containment Monitoring for Carbon Capture and Storage (EN) and (FR)
Project Summary Report: Atmospheric leak detection as a tool for bitumen steam chamber and oil well integrity risk analyses (EN) and (FR)