Chelsea Fougère, MSc Candidate
Chelsea Fougère is a part time MSc student working on drone-based measurement of landfill methane. She previously worked with FluxLab during the development of ExACT, and then she managed the stable isotope biogeochemistry lab at Dalhousie University and worked on restoration projects with TransCoastal Adaptations.
Chelsea’s MSc research investigates the use of Gaussian dispersion and a mass balance box model in calculating the flux rate of methane plumes sampled onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle using active aircore and Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy technologies. Landfills are the primary focus of her survey campaign. Aside from her drone-based research project, Chelsea is also working on Gaussian dispersion modelling of plane-based measurements of landfill methane commissioned by the UNEP IMEO.